About Me

Michael David Gough

Welcome to my profession-oriented website.  I live near the centre of the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia. I enjoy spending time on many things, but I’m most passionate about computing, sustainability and music.

I have a background in aerospace engineering, modelling and simulation but more recently I’ve been concentrating on various aspects of computing and software engineering. Please browse through the site to gain some insight into the projects & tasks I’ve worked on (or am busy with) and my knowledge & skills.

My current primary goal is to become the best possible software engineer I can be.  I aim to achieve this by working on challenging software projects and learning all I can from the many individuals in this field far more knowledgeable, skillful and wise than myself.  I have some of achievements worth noting in this area and it may also be of interest to see what I’m into.

Questions, comments and feedback about the site (and myself) are always appreciated.
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